Now we all know that Python allows you to create variables on the fly and to declare them you must assign to them first;
myvar="hello world"
But imagine the following scenario where you have declared your variable such as a file handle to open a file, but you have used an exception to capture the fact that the file does not exist and in your except section have a typo for the file handle object.
for x in fh:
print x,"\n"
except IOError:
print "File could not be opened"
So the Python Guy had a post at the following;
Well, clearly from the above code I would not get a compile error and my exception would happen and even if I didn't get the exception my my code would run and when it came to closing the file I'd get a NameError exception from Python.
Are you sure Python doesn't need a use strict? Are Python developers that confident that they don't make typos?
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